So what is H2H Marketing?

“While marketing has without a doubt gone digital, we are simultaneously seeing a revival in human-centric thinking — a shift toward catering to individuals with deeper empathy and care, though now at scale”.

Human-to-Human marketing is about creating relationships, partnerships, trust and a community.

Businesses don’t make decisions, people do. That’s why our marketing strategies target people through human-to-human engagement.

Here are our 5 reasons why 2019 will be the year of H2H marketing.

1. The need for multi-faceted marketing strategies

Increase your presence and personality by connecting with consumers on multiple levels. Most people have numerous forms of digital presence so to ensure ultimate brand to consumer engagement. Depending on your target market, you can try tools like blogs, vlogs, online chat or email marketing. This will create a multifaceted marketing strategy to further develop engagement and trust.

2. Engagement is more than data – it’s about people.

Using data and engagement metrics to analyse target markets is not always effective. Businesses need to use information in their CRM to find more effective points to engage with and identify potential customers. These points may allow for a more personable marketing approach which helps to deliver empathy and solve problems.

3. The critical rule of communication thumb - Quality over quantity

We are all about effective use of time, so when it comes to marketing we believe that quality beats quantity any day. In order for engagement to be high quality, meaningful and revenue generating, brands must know their customers. Marketing tools such as Intercom (website messaging platform) and Yielfidy (online conversion tool based on behaviourally targeted messages) are just a few engagement tools marketing and sales teams can use.

4. Community is everything

Building a community of like-minded target consumers creates a sense of belonging and loyalty to a brand. Whether this is an Instagram profile or Facebook group, having a community is an effective way to regularly reach your target market on a personalised level. The more the merrier for the community member, marketing strategies and brand revenue.

5. Everyone loves a story

Last but not least, and one of our favourites – share your story. Human to human marketing is about creating a brand which consumers feel attached too. Each brand should share a compelling story with a unique flair and an expressive tone of voice (check out our tone of voice blog), allowing them to be more authentic, relatable and fun. Through our Brand Strategy Workshops, we define your brand story and an effective way to tell it to consumers. A brand with meaning has a major impact.


Reference 1: Sangram Vajre, January 17th 2018, Why 2018 Will be the Year of Human-to-Human Marketing (H2H)
Reference 2 (quote): Joyce Solano, June 29 2018, The Future of B2B Marketing: A Much-Needed Human Touch

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For more great marketing content, connect with our company leaders, Alexandra King and Stephanie King, or follow our Ask Marketing LinkedIn page.

Alexandra King

Ali has a proven track record of aligning with commercial business objectives and translating research into key insights that result in exceptional marketing strategies, online user experiences and positive financial results.