And just like that, it’s 2023!

The start of a brand-new year, where anything and everything is possible – and the ideal time to kickstart your marketing engine for the 12 months ahead.

If you’re reading this, I’m guessing that you spent the last year watching your competition accelerate their growth through digital marketing, and now you’re looking for a way to achieve the same success (or better!).

Well, you’re in luck.

Most companies won’t take their foot off the holiday brakes for another couple of months yet, meaning now is the perfect time for your business to rise up, stand out, become a thought leader and grow your market share.

I know what you’re thinking… sound’s easier said than done – and it is.

But ask yourself this:

  • Do you really want to spend another year simply winging your digital marketing and hoping for the best?
  • Or, is it time to kickstart 2023 and plan ahead for the next 12 months so you can provide your business with the confidence and direction that it needs to excel this year?

I don’t know about you, but I know which one I would choose!

Let’s explore this further.

When you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

Cheesy, I know – but true!

When you don’t make a proper plan, you end up simply marketing for marketing’s sake.

You’ve got no direction, no clear path, and you probably won’t get the results you’re hoping for.

The reality is that this is how so many businesses go about ticking their marketing box. But by doing so, they are missing the most vital step – establishing their business goals.

Those who do plan ahead, however, understand their business objectives and build their strategy around them. This means that every element of their marketing is in line with the results they are looking to achieve.

That’s why it’s so important for your business to put together a comprehensive 12-month digital marketing strategy that outlines exactly how you intend to achieve your business goals in 2023.

Ready to make the commitment and build your marketing plan for 2023?

Navigate toward your business’ vision with our digital strategy as your marketing plan compass. You can read about our 4-week programme and the 2 simple steps we follow here: Ask Marketing’s Digital Marketing Strategy Development.

What are the benefits of a 12-month digital marketing plan?

Okay, so you’re starting to get on board with the idea of proactively planning your marketing. But before you make any firm commitments, you want to know exactly how a 12-month marketing plan is going to help you achieve your business goals.

Don’t worry, I’ve got you.

Below are 6 key benefits that come from developing a comprehensive digital marketing plan for 2023:

  1. You’ll have a digital marketing roadmap that has been developed specifically for your business in alignment with your core commercial outcomes.
  2. You’ll have both qualitative and quantitative goals to help provide your business with clear direction and keep your marketing firmly on track.
  3. You’ll have a content framework that outlines all the content requirements for your business to help fuel your digital marketing machine.
  4. You’ll have a resourcing plan that details exactly who will be responsible for each element of your marketing activities for the year ahead. This may include our ongoing support (via our Marketing as a Managed Service), as well as any other technical specialists required based on the strategy itself.  
  5. You’ll have the exact marketing technology requirements for your business. These are the tools and platforms that will enable you to execute your digital marketing strategy.
  6. You’ll have a deep understanding and a clear hierarchy of your website’s conversion points. This will help to inform any future optimisations of your current website and drive you towards your quantifiable lead generation goals.

If the delivery of this roadmap sounds therapeutic and exactly what you need, then this is exactly what to expect once you’re ready to put your digital marketing strategy into action.

Make 2023 the year that you embrace digital marketing to achieve business success.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results!

Are you going to continue doing the same thing you were doing in 2022?

Or are you going to build a clear-cut strategy that’s going to get you to where you want to go in 2023 and beyond?

Now is the perfect time to become a leader in your industry – and an extensive digital marketing strategy can make that happen for your business.

So, what are you waiting for?

It’s YOUR time in 2023. Start today!

Do you need help building your marketing plan for 2023?

All you have to do is Ask!

At Ask Digital Marketing, we combine decisive digital strategy and managed marketing execution to help B2B service-based businesses build demand, establish thought leadership and own their industry through digital business marketing.

Stop waiting. Start building. Experience success.

Just get in touch with us and we can discuss your business to help you navigate the digital marketing landscape towards success.

Let’s harness the power of digital marketing today!

For more great marketing content, connect with our company leaders, Alexandra King and Stephanie King, or follow our Ask Marketing LinkedIn page.

Alexandra King

Ali has a proven track record of aligning with commercial business objectives and translating research into key insights that result in exceptional marketing strategies, online user experiences and positive financial results.